Lesson 38 – Show Time Spanish

In this episode Mark is joined by Sofía from Argentina and Ana Isabel from Ecuador. Language points discussed include the difference between si no and sino, using hace with a time phrase, and voseo, the use of vos in Rioplatense Spanish.

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5 thoughts on “Lesson 38 – Show Time Spanish”

  1. Hello Mark and tean from sunny Sydney.
    Just a quick note to thank you (yet again) for the fantastic content on STS. I cannot begin to tell you just how disappointed I am that there are only a couple of episodes left. I do understand your constraints and realise that you can’t spread yourself any thinner with everything else that’s on your plate, but from a devoted listener perspective I thought I’d share my sentiment.
    While I can see some value in your “One Minute Something” series, I still think that it’s the in-depth podcasts that make a real difference in one’s ability to really communicate in a new language.
    I wish there was a way for STS to continue, even in a no-frills version. I realise that producing the tele novela is a mammoth effort and in all honesty – I would rather have STS without the show than no STS at all. Even if all it involved was a weekly chat between Mark and Jose (or any other Spanish speaker)…
    Just my thoughts. Once again, I am not complaining and am extremely appreciative of the efforts you guys have made so far.

    All the best for the festive season – stay warm!


    • Don’t worry, Mike – there will definitely be something along the lines you’re suggesting, most likely after Christmas. We’ll not leave you in the lurch. The structure of Show Time has been quite an undertaking and it’s the number of people involve in that which has been very demanding. We’re not disappearing though!

    • Hi Mike
      Another possibility in the meantime is “News in Slow Spanish” out of Spain: a good adjunct to STS if you are wondering what to do with yourself.
      David (in Wellington)

  2. Thanks Mark. Let me asssure you the hard work that has gone into STS has not gone unnoticed. It is, well and truly, a fantastic language learning tool. Looking forward for the new material.
    Thanks David for your suggestion – News in Slow Spanish is being downloaded to my ipod as I type.
    Which makes me wonder – any other intermediate podcasts anyone can recommend?



  3. Hola Mark!

    En el encore podcast dices algo como “.. y me gustaría que traduzcarais estas frases…”. No lo podría ser “tradujerais”? en el imperfecto de sunjuntivo. No estoy seguro si ese “traduzcarais” aún existe en español, pero puedo estar equivocado…

    Otra cosa bastante parecida a esto y muy interesante – últimamente yo vi un reportaje tratando del disco “MTV unplugged” de Julieta Venegas y por allí Julieta dijo a sus colegas: “aaa, ya vinisten…”.
    Esto me sonó también un poco curioso a mi porque ella podría decir “vinieron” si no usa la forma ‘vosotros’ como cada mexicana.

    Perdóname por mi español no tan correcto pero estoy tratando utilizar todo lo que he aprendido en este curso maravilloso.

    Gracias y saludos muy cordiales para ti y todos con los cuales trabajas. Great job!



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